The Hot End control system, in addition to giving you all the information about the measures and tolerances of each ampoule, provide you an automatic management of 3 automatic burner holders, that receive constant information from the vision camera, reducing to the maximum the rejections and improving your production.
The ROTA allows you to make Closed Ampoules, Form D. KYP has an Industrial Cooler for the factories that need it due to their location.

Cut off and glazing consist on making a cut to the ampoule at the height of the spike, through the scoring, and the glazing soften the cut on the ampoule.
The Color Break puts a ring on the neck of the ampoule and serves to break the ampoule. The line can install up to 4 rings for codification, or 1 break ring and three coding rings. If you do not have space on the line, you can install 2 Color Break above and 2 below.
Color Break Above performs the same functions as the Color Standard but in this case, the ring is deposited by the upper part of the ampoule.
The OPC places a point to indicate where the break cut is made for easy opening of the ampoule. A camera allows us to control the presence of the point and the cut. In case one of the 2 is not the blister is rejected. Put a photo of the control screen.
The KYP printing system allows the best completion of your ampoules, in addition to the maximum speed, thanks to a hydraulic system, which can perform the printing in one or two directions, this parameter being an easily changeable option by the operator of the machine through a touch screen.
Pre-drying fix the OPC point and printing before entering to the lehr (oven), evaporating the solvents.
The KYPEYE vision controls all the work done on the line: Color break presence and quality, whether they are closed or not, OPC presence of the point and cut, presence control and print quality, as well as cosmetic defects in case of no printing.
The packaging calibration allows you to select in which trays you will put the ampoules, the largest in one and the smallest in another for example. It also controls if the ampoules are in the range. You can package any type of container in any type of box. It can be installed in any packaging line. On your digital screen you will have all the data you may need, as ampoule produced, which you have to produce, boxes produced, measures of the ampoule and the box, production hours, etc …